Bull Kelp Sticker
Bull Kelp Sticker
Bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana) is a type of kelp that is identifiable by its long stipe (stem) and single bulbous pneumatocyst (air-filled float). It can reach heights of approximately 115 feet and can be the dominant species in an area, creating large single-stand forests in semi-exposed or high current locations. This species tends to follow the patterns of an annual; it grows through spring and summer, then is often dislodged by wave action and deposited on beaches in the winter.
This sticker measures 5.3” x 11” and looks great on bicycle frames, coolers, laptops, and car windows! They will last for many years on a car, even in heat and sun.
Stickers ship for free and are delivered via standard mail (USPS).